I can't believe I haven't blogged since September. It has been a very busy, hectic year, especially the last few months. So, I've got a few things to cover.....first off, thank you to everyone who participated in my WARM FUZZIES {for Debi} fundraiser/special. It was a great success and I am thankful to everyone who made it possible for me to make a donation for Debi and her family. I will post a few of my favorite images. Next, as many of you already know, I had been planning to take December and January off.....I'd been planning since August; however, with the hectic Holiday Season, I worked up until the week of Christmas. Soooo, I am taking January and February off. During this break, I will be, #1 Crashing from staying up til wee hours of the morning working for the past several months. #2 Spending some much needed time with my family which I feel I have neglected recently due to the growth of Hodge Podge. #3 Reflecting and Re-grouping regarding the way I should apportion my time and attention. And #4 Making a few, if not many, changes with Hodge Podge and the way appointments and business is conducted.
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