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cyber scavenger {free session! & gift certificates}


Hello there friends and followers! For those of you that hadn't noticed, I launched my new website earlier this year. And, for those of you who hadn't noticed..for Pete's sake do :) In efforts to get my clients and prospective clients to make themselves familiar with my site, this is what I've come up with. I think you're gonna like it! I can't count how many inquiries I get on a weekly basis asking me about my prices, about my services etc...and the information is on my website. Don't get me wrong, I like hearing from you all, but I made a huge effort to make all the information readily available..I personally think it's silly for photographers to not have their prices posted. No one wants to go to a restaurant and order something to drink, only to choke on it the second you start reading the prices on the menu. (seriously, I've done's let's not go there!)
Soo..when I designed my website, I wanted it to be #1. aesthetically pleasing. and #2. full of information about Hodge Podge. and #3. fun and interactive. There are lots of nooks and crannies over there..even a tiny little virtual sitting area, so that you can visual your enlarged prints on a wall above your couch. And I want nothing more than for you to make yourself at home in my virtual space.

So here's how it will work. I will be 'hiding' coupons on my site for a free session(s) and gift certificates that are worth more than you spend on them. You will know what it is when you see it. It might pop up..or scroll across the screen. So, you must venture into my site..take a gander and meander about.

This will only work on a desktop will not work properly on mobile devices (and btw, I am planning to launch my corresponding mobile site after Christmas, so it will be much easier to navigate)

This will start this Wednesday, TOMORROW, the day before Thanksgiving! End date will be determined based on how quickly all the little gems are found.
Email me at AS SOON AS YOU SPOT THE GOODIE. Whoever emails me first, gets it. (I will remove them as they are found..that way all you cheaters can't tell your friends where they are ;)

And, for an extra shot at some Hodge Podginess:
Share on facebook and then comment on this post that you did so!
Winner will be drawn at the ending of the cyber scavenger hunt!

Happy Hodge Podge Hunting!

Gift Certificates found during the hunt will need to be purchased when found and sessions scheduled during 2015. Minimum of $300 per each certificate. One coupon per person.


Katie Jones said...


Stacy Wagoner said...


Mary Blair said...


Jennifer said...


Amanda McCullah said...


Unknown said...

Shared!! :)

diane said...


Anonymous said...


Kinzi said...


Jenessa said...


Unknown said...

Sharing. :)

Unknown said...

SHARED!! (Ya, I just yelled that.) :)

Jenni Williams said...


GW said...


Unknown said...

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